Students Job Seekers

Ausbildung in Germany


Germany's aging population and increasing life expectancy are driving a growing demand for skilled nursing professionals. Despite a stable healthcare system, there's a persistent shortage of nurses, particularly in long-term care facilities and hospitals.

International nurses have played a crucial role in filling this gap. Multicultural teams are becoming increasingly common in German healthcare.

Nurses play a vital role in various healthcare settings, including:

Hospitals: Inpatient acute care

Nursing homes: Inpatient long-term care

Home care: Ambulatory care

Rehabilitation: Outpatient and inpatient

Palliative care: Outpatient and inpatient

Key responsibilities include:

  • Observing, guiding, supporting, and caring for patients
  • Documenting and evaluating nursing measures
  • Carrying out medical instructions and assisting with interventions (depending on specialization)
  • Serving as a point of contact for patients' families

Basic care activities are a significant part of a nurse's daily work in Germany. These tasks, often involving personal hygiene, nutrition, mobility, independence promotion, and preventive measures, are not solely the responsibility of family members or nursing assistants. Nurses play a crucial role in ensuring these needs are met.

Are you interested in a rewarding career in German healthcare? Discover how to start your future-proof journey!